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PDFsharp Sample: Concatenate Documents

Modified on 2015/09/14 10:23 by Thomas Hövel Categorized as PDFsharp Samples, Samples
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This sample shows how to concatenate the pages of several PDF documents to one single file.

  • When you add the same external page twice or more, the content of the pages is shared.
  • Each imported page can be individually extended with graphics and text.

PDF Output File

See the PDF files created by this sample:

Variation 1 output.pdf (207 kB)

Variation 2 output.pdf (211 kB)

Variation 3 output.pdf (208 kB)

Variation 4 output.pdf (216 kB)

Screen Shots

Here is a sample screen shot of Variation 3:

Concatenate Documents Variation 3

Source Code

Here are code snippets for the 4 variations implemented in Concatenate Documents:
/// Imports all pages from a list of documents.
static void Variant1()
  // Get some file names
  string[] files = GetFiles();
  // Open the output document
  PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfDocument();
  // Iterate files
  foreach (string file in files)
    // Open the document to import pages from it.
    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(file, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
    // Iterate pages
    int count = inputDocument.PageCount;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
      // Get the page from the external document...
      PdfPage page = inputDocument.Pages[idx];
      // ...and add it to the output document.
  // Save the document...
  const string filename = "ConcatenatedDocument1_tempfile.pdf";
  // ...and start a viewer.

/// This sample adds each page twice to the output document. The output document
/// becomes only a little bit larger because the content of the pages is reused 
/// and not duplicated.
static void Variant2()
  // Get some file names
  string[] files = GetFiles();
  // Open the output document
  PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfDocument();
  // Show consecutive pages facing. Requires Acrobat 5 or higher.
  outputDocument.PageLayout = PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft;
  // Iterate files
  foreach (string file in files)
    // Open the document to import pages from it.
    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(file, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
    // Iterate pages
    int count = inputDocument.PageCount;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
      // Get the page from the external document...
      PdfPage page = inputDocument.Pages[idx];
      // ...and add them twice to the output document.
  // Save the document...
  const string filename = "ConcatenatedDocument2_tempfile.pdf";
  // ...and start a viewer.

/// This sample adds a consecutive number in the middle of each page.
/// It shows how you can add graphics to an imported page.
static void Variant3()
  // Get some file names
  string[] files = GetFiles();
  // Open the output document
  PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfDocument();
  // Note that the output document may look significant larger than in Variant1.
  // This is because adding graphics to an imported page causes the 
  // uncompression of its content if it was compressed in the external document.
  // To compare file sizes you should either run the sample as Release build
  // or uncomment the following line.
  //outputDocument.Options.CompressContentStreams = true;
  XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 40, XFontStyle.Bold);
  int number = 0;
  // Iterate files
  foreach (string file in files)
    // Open the document to import pages from it.
    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(file, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
    // Iterate pages
    int count = inputDocument.PageCount;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
      // Get the page from the external document...
      PdfPage page = inputDocument.Pages[idx];
      // ...and add it to the output document.
      // Note that the PdfPage instance returned by AddPage is a
      // different object.
      page = outputDocument.AddPage(page);
      // Create a graphics object for this page. To draw beneath the existing
      // content set 'Append' to 'Prepend'.
      XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append);
      DrawNumber(gfx, font, ++number);
  // Save the document...
  const string filename = "ConcatenatedDocument3_tempfile.pdf";
  // ...and start a viewer.

/// This sample is the combination of Variant2 and Variant3. It shows that you 
/// can add external pages more than once and still add individual graphics on
/// each page. The external content is shared among the pages, the new graphics
/// are unique to each page. You can check this by comparing the file size
/// of Variant3 and Variant4.
static void Variant4()
  // Get some file names
  string[] files = GetFiles();
  // Open the output document
  PdfDocument outputDocument = new PdfDocument();
  // For checking the file size uncomment next line.
  //outputDocument.Options.CompressContentStreams = true;
  XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 40, XFontStyle.Bold);
  int number = 0;
  // Iterate files
  foreach (string file in files)
    // Open the document to import pages from it.
    PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(file, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import);
    // Show consecutive pages facing. Requires Acrobat 5 or higher.
    outputDocument.PageLayout = PdfPageLayout.TwoColumnLeft;
    // Iterate pages
    int count = inputDocument.PageCount;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
      // Get the page from the external document...
      PdfPage page = inputDocument.Pages[idx];
      // ...and add it twice to the output document.
      PdfPage page1 = outputDocument.AddPage(page);
      PdfPage page2 = outputDocument.AddPage(page);
      XGraphics gfx =
        XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page1, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append);
      DrawNumber(gfx, font, ++number);
      gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page2, XGraphicsPdfPageOptions.Append);
      DrawNumber(gfx, font, ++number);
  // Save the document...
  const string filename = "ConcatenatedDocument4_tempfile.pdf";
  // ...and start a viewer.

Note: The samples on this site usually show and discuss code snippets only. The complete source code of the samples with solutions for Visual Studio is available from the download area on CodePlex.

Visit the new Website for PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation 6.0 for .NET 6 and find information about the new version for Windows, Linux, and other platforms.


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